Thursday, August 11, 2011

Task #6 Helping Patrons

I am pleasantly surprised that I got all the answers right. I am happy that the training I've received from the Info Services staff prepared me to be able to answer those questions. The only one I've been confronted with in the past was #4 about the kid looking for a bio. The Biography in Context database has come in handy many a time when I need to help a child find information for a school assignment.

A kid walks in and asks if we have Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. You reply:
A. "Duh! Of course we do! It's only, like, the most popular kid's book ever!"
B. "Let me check to see what we have in right now."
C. "Ummm...I think maybe it's over in the chapter books...err, whatever."
D. "Let's go take a look." And then walk to the jFs to check under Kinney, Jeff.
E. "Let me show you how to look that up on our catalog computer." And then give the patrona quick OPAC tutorial.
F. "I just checked out our last copy but I'd be happy to put one on hold for you. Which book in the series do you want." When the patron says he wants the third one, you use the KDL What's Next Database to figure out the title of the third book and place a hold on it.

Answer: B or D or F and maybe E.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Extra Credit #2 Google A Day

1. It wasn't really "fun". I'd say it's more interesting than fun.
2. I initially said that I'd prefer the Sony Reader. Now I think I'd prefer the $100. IF it's not too late to change my mind.